
Are You Ready To Return To Your True Soul Self?

We are Multi-Dimensional Beings that have descended through Frequencies, Realities, Timelines, to have this Earth Experience.

Are you simply curious or really ready to reclaim your highest self within this life?

Are you ready to (re)Ascend?

Personal 1:1 Sessions

Re-Align & Recalibrate In All Your Bodies & Chakras!

Meditations & Channelings

Uplevel Your Intuition & Abilities, Return to Oneness!

My Podcast

Support On Your Multi-Dimensional Journey!


Welcome! I’m Tracy

Multi-Dimensional Healer & Intuitive Soul Coach

I am also a psychic Life Coach and Divine Channel, connecting into the Akashic Field. Over the past 20 years I have worked with thousands of clients around the world to release trauma, patterns & programming, re-align chakras & bodies and teach the tools to uplevel their frequency into a new, desired reality.

"BLESS you Tracy for the beautiful and insightful session! It truly helped to deeply understand the INNER knowing I have been “feeling” about my own unique spark of The Divine Source in dwelling, and HOW it expresses in this human form upon Earth. To be ONE with ALL of LIFE and to live fully in gratitude for EVERY new experience knowing that it births strength, compassion, wisdom, and grace to open this human vessel and heart to align with the HIGHEST light of PURE LOVE" LM

"Thank you so so much for the session. It was really helpful and I’m feeling the effects. I had the sense it was my body processing and integrating the shifts that are taking place. I could feel an integration during the night after our session — I somehow felt more connected to my body and more “here” and more myself. My sense is that it was a very powerful session." LK

"The very next day after the reading, I noticed a dramatic shift in my energy; my mind settled and my body felt like boulders had been lifted. I feel lighter, more flexible and less worried about the future. I haven’t felt this good in years. Thank you!" CS

"Thank you so much! Yesterday and today I have felt more space inside of myself and more sensations/intuition. Generally I have been more happy and have felt more loving. I am very grateful for you and the healing that you provided! I will be talking with you again.. I am positive about that! " EP

"My session with Tracy was very confirming and insightful! I felt very comfortable with Tracy and she took the time to check in with me to make sure she was addressing my needs. Tracy is very gifted and provided deep healing during my session. The following days I felt a definite shift in my being and a deep heart opening! I will definitely be reaching out to Tracy again!" EP

"Thank you again for SUCH a tremendous experience and connection beautiful Heart!! I feel 10 pounds lighter and so much more myself - it's like the multidimensional version of How Stella Got Her Groove Back!! Appreciating and honoring you so much!" SP

"We did an amazing Vortex Journey here that was hosted by the one and only Tracy Kumbera, who is a highly talented multidimensional channel, teacher and intuitive. I highly recommend a personal session with her BTW, especially if you want to meet your spirit guides and galactic team." MM

"Thanks for talking to me today, I’ve been pretty deep in thought about the things you said….all day! I appreciate the time and care you took to explain things to me. A lot of those things were issues that I was aware of somewhere in my mind (many of which I had buried far back in my mind), and it was great to verbalize, organize, and clarify them. Some issues that came up were new to me, but they do resonate on some level or provide explanations for things, which also provides clarity and direction." MB

"You unlocked some doors tonight and freely gave me access to the keys to my inner kingdom that weren’t clearly accessible before. THANK YOU very much!!! For that, I am eternally grateful…….What a hoot!! I hung up having a renewed and expanded sense of bouncy,light and clarity for seeing what is and what can and shall be, when I so choose." AK

"I wanted to thank you again so very much for the sensational reading tonight! I can assure you that what I gained from it far exceeded my expectations. And I’m stunned at what you saw about my love partner – both in terms of us having known each before (and what a heart-wrenching story you shared) and in terms of how long we may have been waiting to find each other. I found the reading to be motivating, encouraging, insightful and so very in-line with so much of my thinking. It definitely resonated with me!" SW

Contact Me

To book a session securely online or to check upcoming availability please use my Scheduling app on my Sessions page as I do require payment prior to booking a time slot. 
For media contact – events, podcasts, summits – please request via this form.
Note that you will get a Success Message after submitting the form. If you don't, adjust your email or message and resubmit. Thanks and I look forward to connecting with you!

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