1:1 Soul Coaching Sessions

Are you currently experiencing a whirlwind of physical, mental, emotional, or energetic changes that leave you feeling confused, stuck or even a bit scared?

Do you find yourself unable to comprehend the reasons behind these transformations yet very aware that you’ve left the comfort zone of your old, known existence behind?

… Or are you are a healer, a lightworker, or a coach, and you yearn to expand your consciousness to the next dimension?

If so, the time has come to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and transformation.

You Deeply Desire To Make Changes In Your Life, But Are You Ready To Shift?

Sedona-Soul-Coach-intuitive-Tracy-KumberaSurrounding each and every one of us lies a Multi-Dimensional Mind, a vast realm that encompasses our physical brain and body. The Light Body, the Unity Consciousness, the Akashic Library, The Unity Field are simply other labels for this Source connection of deep oneness and vast information. The key to unlocking the doors of awareness to the 5D, the 5th Dimension, the New Earth timeline, lies in shifting our consciousness away from the limitations of our 3D brain and into the boundless expanse of our Multi-Dimensional Mind. Within this realm, we find ourselves immersed in a tapestry of dimensions, timelines, realities, and even other / past lives. It is here that we can truly grasp the essence of our existence.

Fortunately, there are so very many tools available to assist you in clearing and re-aligning the Energetic, Mental, Emotional and Physical Bodies (the energy, thought, emotion, beliefs, chakras, bodily systems). Through the power of breath, meditation, journeys, yoga and movement, and so much more, combined with Tracy’s unique connection & coaching abilities, you’ll shift focal awareness, an essential step in expanding our 3D vibration and frequency, ultimately enabling us to venture into the realm of the Multi-Dimensional. 

During a life-changing Multi-Dimensional Soul Coaching Session with Tracy, she taps into your unique Energy Signature, forging a profound connection with your Soul and taking you on a journey of healing, reintegration, and elevation. Along the way, higher versions of yourself, spirit guides, guardian angels, archangels, and even our galactic brethren contribute their divine insights, revelations, and healing energies. This reunion with your other versions of Self propel you into higher frequencies while giving you the tools to remain there, living life from a higher, multidimensional perspective. And reconnecting with your own Multi-Dimensional Awareness and the Unity Consciousness is often a catalyst for transformation across all facets of your life. Therefore you can reach a state of inner calm and knowing, embody a higher frequency, remember your own Multi-Dimensional wisdom, to more easily walk your path of more joy, love, abundance in every area of your life! 

In a Multi-Dimensional Session with Tracy you will experience:

  • Chakra Clearing, Healing & Re-Aligning through remote hands above healing (Reiki, Archangelic Healing, Tachyon & much more)
  • Clearing of patterns, programs, conditioning & blocks within the Physical, Emotional & Mental Bodies
  • DNA Re-Alignment & Re-Integration on a Light Body Level (re-calibration of your entire energy field)
  • Soul Spark Retrieval to re-integrate your other soul aspect’s lives, experiences and more (similar to a past life regression)
  • Soul Coaching (life coaching from your Soul) with homework that will expand your awareness and uplevel your consciousness
  • Zero Point, Soul Spark, Multi-Dimensionality teachings and more
  • Light Code Downloads to assist you in continuing your journey post session
  • An honest, open dialogue between you and your Soul so you can fully understand and implement all shifts occurring during the session and beyond

I Invite You To Discover Your True Soul Self With A Multi-Dimensional Healing  & Soul Coaching Session To Embody Your Highest Possible Life!

Sessions are $222 / 60 minutes via non-video Zoom meeting by computer or phone. You’ll also receive a link the same day to the recording & audio (written) transcript for you to download within 90 days before it’s deleted. Payment is via credit card or PayPal using the link above or calendar below and is required to complete booking. Hope to meet with you soon to see how your Soul is upleveling you!

Typical Questions For Your Soul: As the purpose of the session is to find the root cause of patterns that are holding you back from your highest frequency life, questions center around love, relationships, career, money, family, moving, other/past lives, guides, etc. The sessions are a conversation with your Soul to learn how to make changes in the above areas in order to raise your frequency, thus experience more love, abundance, joy, etc.

Contact Me

To book a session securely online or to check upcoming availability please use my Scheduling app on my Sessions page as I do require payment prior to booking a time slot. 
For media contact – events, podcasts, summits – please request via this form.
Note that you will get a Success Message after submitting the form. If you don't, adjust your email or message and resubmit. Thanks and I look forward to connecting with you!

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