Your Multi-Dimensional Journey Podcast Episode Show Info
Watch on YouTube: Do You Need The Psychic Gene or DNA To Be Intuitive?
March 16, 2024
Intuitive Soul Coach , Multi-Dimensional Guide & Divine Channel Tracy Kumbera answers the question of whether you need genetics and/or DNA to be intuitive or a psychic medium. Also included are tips & advice on opening to your intuition and an appearance by the Archangels! Enjoy!
questions on all things multi-dimensional and intuitive based on my 20 years experience as a
multi-dimensional guide an intuitive Soul coach and a Divine channel so today’s topic is can
anyone be intuitive or psychic or is it in your DNA so I read somewhere recently or I heard it
on a podcast I think that someone said no it’s in your DNA it’s genetic to be intuitive and Spirit
came in right there while I was listening and said no that is not true every being
is intuitive we as humans cut that connection we shut it down but we all have it it is our
natural state of being so yes it’s possible for everyone to be intuitive anyone there’s so many
people that listen to their gut instinct they don’t call it intuition they just call it oh I
had a feeling and so I followed it well the truth is that was your intuition now where is it coming
from is it coming from your soul is it coming from your guides from your angels it could be
coming from anywhere the truth is we are always in connection with the universal field which is
the akashic library okay the universal field of energy holds all of the answers of all realities
and all timelines we can connect in with any being that we wish to and sometimes beings we don’t wish
to but it is your choice that’s why I go off of energy signature so when I first opened up I was
working with Archangel Michael right after my Awakening and and I had a spontaneous Awakening
through a reiki class years ago so I’m working with Archangel Michael and another energy came
in and said they were Michael and I was like it doesn’t feel like him it’s not the same signature
and again this happened 20 years ago I don’t think this is that common any longer because we’re just
in a higher frequency as a civilization right now just a higher frequency on the planet than
we were 20 years ago so I asked Michael to come in and yes felt completely different so I said
what’s going on who is the other energy and when I asked them to State themselves they said they
were the Grays and they simply wanted to ask me questions and interact with me but they thought
that I wouldn’t answer them if they didn’t pose as Michael and they were right because I had no
interest in dealing with them so I made them go away I just said nope you are not the highest love
the highest light can’t touch this go away I’m not interacting with you you can speak with any being
any Collective any energy your soul Source God all that is the universe we have a thousand different
names for it right but you can speak with any of them just set your intention that that’s who
you want to connect with a little Mantra that I used in the beginning was I am a being of
love and light and I only connect with beings of unconditional love and Divine Light if you
weren’t that then can’t touch this yep NC Hammer Can’t Touch This so that put me in a frequency
where I would only engage with beings in in love in higher Dimensions right now if I’m connecting
with some of my other 3D lives for the purpose of understanding some of my patterns or programs or
fears something like that it’s a little different but when I want to talk to my higher versions of
self my seventh dimensional Pleiadian self for instance if I want to talk to my soul I usually
don’t speak to my own soul because it’s hard get answers for yourself cuz you get in the way
I will have a friend ask my questions and I will automatically channel the answers but for me I get
a little involved so I’d rather talk to all that is so I can connect with any being any Collective
any energy and so can you how do you do it how do you connect in well there’s a lot of ways
to increase your intuitive connection I will say though that you have to have the faith and trust
and belief if you’re going to connect in and you get these beautiful loving answers and you tell
yourself well I I don’t know if that was really spirit I mean I could just be making all of this
up I don’t know what’s going on you just negated all the energy and if you’re going to negate it
then what’s the point of doing it you simply have to believe and while you’re at it sometimes you
have to imagine you have to put yourself there and know that you are talking to your Angels
right when you get answers when you hear them when you sense them when you get pictures on
your inner mind screen you have no choice but to just believe believe it’s true believe it’s your
angels and as you believe you are training your brain to allow that connection in and it becomes
stronger and it becomes easier and you start to recognize the energy signature of it so you
realize that yeah yes that is my angels I can tell it’s my angels and then if I do talk to Archangel
Michael different energy signature now I can see them sense them and hear them and sometimes
whether I’m talking to archangels or your soul in a session or any collective in in my own time I
can tell who it is by their energy signature but I also receive the information either in words in
pictures or in videos and often times I will send pictures and videos back so telepathically we’re
speaking in many different ways at once and souls usually flip between it e even the archangels
do some you know picture is worth a thousand words so sometimes it’s just faster to speak
in pictures getting back to how can you increase your intuitive skills so that you can communicate
with your guides and your angels well step one faith and trust and belief step two imagination
you have to use your imagination and again it’s because your brain is the gatekeeper it’s like
the bouncer at the nightclub deciding who to let in and who not to so as a gatekeeper you have to
train your brain to let the information in oh no I talked to Angels yeah yeah that was them
and your brain’s like you can’t talk to angels no one can talk to angels you’re human what are you
talking about and it’s like no I can’t that was my my guardian angels that was them so you have
to let them in because I can talk to them no no you really can’t no I can and I’m going to so when
you hear that that is my angels let them through um okay I will so then the next time they let the
information through and you’re like see that was them and you do it more often and more often and
you are creating this new pattern of talking to your angels of having this connection this this
communication and your brain’s like yeah yeah we do that and you rewire your brain to allow that
connection in and once you do the first connection it gets easier to do the next one and the next one
and the next one okay so like archangels I started out with Archangel Michael and several years ago I
read a wonderful book called female archangels it’s a little book with a pink flower on the
front I always forget who the author is but it’s a fabulous book and note here when you read any
book or or watch a video or listen to a podcast or however you’re getting the information about
these beautiful beings whether it be Angels or uh higher versions of self you know Spirit guys
Pleaidians no matter who it is remember when you are encountering them you are not just reading
about them you’re meeting them I tell my clients you’re sitting in a cafe with them okay just
picture you’re going out to lunch with Archangel Aurora this is not just oh I’m I read about these
ascended masters no I read about the archangels I sat there with Archangel Aurora as I’m reading I
know I’ve pinged her she’s with me she’s present what feeling do I feel in her energy what colors
do I see with her energy what is she saying to me what am I sensing about her how am I connecting
in with her because I truly am connecting with her so remember that anytime you learn about
another being or energy you are not just reading or hearing about them you’re going out to lunch
with them you’re meeting them you have pinged them they showed up you’re interacting with them
so notice everything about how it feels about what you sense what you hear what you see in your inner
Vision on your mind screen that TV that plays in your inner mind from your multi-dimensional
mind showing your human self so note everything and then start asking questions and when you do
ask questions notice how you get the answers because I’m telling you every question you ask
is answered there are signs and signals and hints and answers every moment of every day of your life
but our conscious mind our 3D mind overlooks the answers we’re not paying attention we’re we’re
too busy doing this or doing that which is why I always joke you want to be more intuitive fold
the laundry wash the dishes keep your 3D mind keep your brain busy so your multi-dimensional
mind can come in and and be Forefront not so much takeover but just be in the front Okay so when you
are learning about this being understand that you are connecting with them they’re showing up start
paying attention to all the signs and signals then start asking questions first you memorize what the
feeling is like what the colors are like anything that you see or hear or sense memorize that grab a
p of paper and write it down right or in the notes app of your phone memorize that then start asking
questions and expect an answer because trust me you’re getting an answer you’re always getting an
answer okay notice again all the signs and signals and hints and answers that come to you okay from
the questions you asked whether they are feelings pictures in your head uh coincidences a friend
calls and says something and it was related to the question you asked anything again retraining
your brain when you start telling your brain that everything is an answer oh my friend talked about
uh getting a new puppy named Aurora right after I was meditating on Archangel Aurora that’s in
that’s a sign that she’s present with me and your brain’s like no you’re crazy that’s just
a coincidence no no that’s a sign that was Aurora talking through the new puppy you you won’t have
to get a little dramatic like that always but in the beginning when you’re retraining your brain
yeah you have to tell your brain no no that’s real no that’s happening no I did that no they
connected right and then your brain starts to understand what you want to be allowed through
cuz remember your brain’s the gatekeeper just like the bouncer at the nightclub your brain’s a
gatekeeper and if your brain did not parse all the information we’d go crazy how could you drive down
Main Street and be looking at all of the cars all of the people on the sidewalk all of the stores
and noticing everything you would probably rear end somebody and about 10 seconds so your brain has to
be the gatekeeper it has to parse the information so that it keeps you safe and protected and
focused focused on what it wants you to focus on like driving to the grocery store right so as
you train your brain to let this information in right with your faith and trust and belief that
you are intuitive that you are connecting that this is real and you’re telling your brain it’s
real and you’re training your brain to let that information in practice that if you’re having
a hard time with it if you are not picking up any information whatsoever clear yourself first
Okay jump up and down a little Shake It Out uh do some deep breathing right do a little
heart math breathing where you take a few deep breaths and you go Inward and think about your
happy place or again a puppy or whatever right and then refocus on the being and the intuition
so quieting yourself going inward trying a little meditation a little breath work a little guided
Journey it all of that can put you in that Zero Point Energy where you are one with the universal
field you dissolve back into the universal field into Source energy that’s in a matter of speaking
that’s how you’re sitting in Archangel roar’s living room mean no archangels don’t have living
room they are just pure frequency as I see them they are the frequency closest to God Source right
everything is spherical in nature right we are the center the nucleus and like I tell people we can’t
see out everybody can see in so all of our higher dimensional selves the the sphere gets bigger and
bigger and bigger so your physical body is sitting in the sphere of your light body which is sitting
in the sphere of your soul spark which is sitting in the sphere or contained within the sphere of
your soul which is contained within the sphere of All Souls which is contained within the sphere
of source so all of these nested spheres right these beautiful circles three-dimensional circles
spheres of energy everyone can see in we can’t see out because we’d break the game if we could see
out right we have to believe this is real so when you use breath work meditation guided Journeys to
get you in the Zero Point Energy you are expanding your awareness expanding your Consciousness beyond
your physical body sphere out into the source sphere and sometimes I will just think the
archangels are the beautiful candy coating think M&M’s but the candy coatings on the inside of the
sphere and that’s the archangelic energy to me and I will tell you they’re laughing right now because
I just called them the in inside candy coating of the source sphere but that’s how I see them that’s
kind of where they are if you would use time and space to measure them or locate them because time
and space doesn’t exist so I have to explain it from a 3D point of view okay the archangels they
have a frequency they have a color they have a tone they have a feel right they have a sense
every being does every energy does archangels do too and I will tell you and now we’re off the
topic of your intuitive skills and onto the topic of Archangels but while the archangels each have
we will say their particular job and US seeing them as a gender Archangel Michael is the warrior
Archangel and he is uh you know male right and the first time I saw him was in Daran virtues oracle
cards so I picture this tall blonde guy shirtless with a kilt on because and he laughs every time
he also calls me brother and I tell him every time I’m a woman in this life but s and so you know we
we have these associations but normally I’ll see Archangel Michael as violet light like the Violet
flame he’s just dark purple light Metatron who does a lot of the light codes and downloads right
a lot of the DNA recalibration work I see him as more of a muted Dusty purple between lavender and
and violet Archangel Aurora very iridescent an opalescent very sparkly so when she shows
up the energy feels very sparkly for me so I am memorizing committing to my memory and telling
my brain these are the characteristics of this particular being so Archangel Aurora iridescent
opalescent sparkling energy beautiful loving maternal energy those are the characteristics
so that when I am reading a book or hiking or something where I’m just kind of keeping my 3D
mind busy when those characteristics start to show up I start to see colors in my peripheral vision
I start to feel that maternal energy my brain can tell me oh hey Archangel Aurora is showing up she
must have something to say and I start noticing that and I shift into my multi-dimensional mind
and I go hey Aurora what’s up you know what do you have for me and we start having a conversation so
yes sometimes I call upon them especially in client sessions and sometimes they just show
up with something for me cuz remember I’m on my own Journey too so while I’m always asking them
for help even when I’m not they’re always helping me okay so side foray into archangels over let’s
go back to everyone is intuitive and how do we build it okay we’ve already said you keep your
brain busy so that your multi-dimensional mind can take over right whether you’re
hiking or folding laundry or whatever it is if it’s not working then you quiet yourself
and go inward using breath work meditation guided Journey meditation anything that moves you into
that Zero Point Energy where your awareness and your Consciousness can expand then focus on who
you’re connecting to now if you have a specific person to connect to that’s great that
being that Collective that’s great if you don’t and you don’t need a specific being for me when
I’m asking questions hey if you’re unconditional love and Divine Light go ahead and answer me I’m
up for anybody’s answer in fact everybody answer me and I’ll see which one feels the best within me
okay so I don’t always say hey Elantra my Pleaidian self what do you think about this I just say hey
guys hey peeps what’s what’s going on with this situation can you all explain this to me and I
get the answer sometimes as a huge Collective sometimes my Pleaidian self will answer then the
archangels will answer and then you know I’ll go to all that is and say okay what’s your take on
this and generally they’re about the same but we resonate to different energies at different
times so it all depends remember you don’t have to pick a specific being if you want to go for
it but you don’t have to pick a specific one just just remember unconditional love and Divine Light
okay and remember step one faith and trust and belief you have to know that you’re getting the
answers or your brain’s never going to let them through now the last thing is practice
with the small stuff things that don’t matter play little games right you know your first
foray into multi-dimensionality and into using your intuition to make a decision don’t make a
decision on whether you should get married or whether you should get divorced or whether you
should move house to a different state picture something little you know honestly should I have
steak or pasta for dinner tonight pick things that don’t matter because then you’re not putting
any pressure on yourself when you pick the little things you’re just practicing connecting in tuning
into to yourself tuning into your guides tuning into your angels start with little things ask
little benign questions of your angels and your guides so that you can just get comfortable with
their energy right create that relationship now I’ll tell you the relationship already exists and
always has but you probably haven’t been speaking to them since you were four years old so you got
to reacquaint yourself you got to recondition your body and your brain to this relationship
so start small start with little things being intuitive is in your DNA it’s in everyone DNA
it’s who we are we are Pure Source energy even if we contracted our awareness and our Consciousness
down to a very dense 3D level people think up and down like going up and down a ladder to me it’s
it’s uh expanded out or contracted in right again it is all of those nested spheres we contracted
down to 3D we are always going to be human in this Incarnation right whether we’re 3D or 5D
and that’s a whole another conversation but we are always going to be human the goal is not to be so
spiritual that we’re walking the Earth like well I’d say like Jesus did except for believe me he
had human experiences cuz you know we we we talk and he did so it you we’re not trying to be this
big high level spiritual being we’re not trying to spiritually bypass we’re just trying to feel
more of the love and support that’s around us us and we’re just trying to reach for more answers
from our true self that would help us find a more abundant and loving life so I hope this
helps and if you have a topic that you want me to go over in a future podcast let me know