Your Multi-Dimensional Journey Podcast


As An Intuitive Soul Coach & Divine Conscious Channel I explain all things intuitive, multi-dimensional and ascension related on your awakening journey. My hope is that I am able to answer your questions and calm your concerns about the changes you’re experience in your mind, body, soul, family, friends, work and life in general during these fast-paced, ever-changing times.

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“I’m so happy Tracy has made a podcast! Her insights hit me right at the core. No matter what her subject matter is, there are many nuggets of wisdom that are meant for me directly in that moment. Whether it be foundational knowledge that I need a reminder of or brand new expanding insight that my soul has led me to through Tracy, I find a tremendous value in her words. Much love to Tracy and her mission to reach the world and raise the collective vibration.”

“I wanted to let you know how much I LOVE your podcasts! You’re such a gifted and natural speaker — please keep ’em coming! After having several sessions with you, listening to your podcast is almost like being in a session with you!”

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