I asked Source this morning: What this expanded Equinox frequency bring? "You will know now that things are becoming...
ReAscension Articles
Zero Point Continues
There are many more zero point states of being going on where we dip into that cold calm divine neutrality. For me I...
July Full Moon Changes
We've been in a cocoon working deeply on the inner world and the outer world is going to start to show the changes. So...
Summer Solstice Anchor Point
The Summer Solstice is upon us and it brings with it an anchor point in these new frequencies. The veil between...
Lunar Eclipse Changes
May 15 marks a powerful Lunar Eclipse, only weeks after the Solar Eclipse Escalator. It is a further propelling into...
Solar Eclipse Escalator
April 30 marks a solar eclipse that further brings in the upleveling on your planet. Think of eclipses as escalators...
Spring Equinox Blasting & Calming
There will be a series of high frequency blasts over the next year on your planet. These energy bursts will realign a...
Expand Your Frequency Bandwidth
Your Spirit guides tend to narrow down the bandwidth of frequency in order to communicate with you so as an...
Clearing Out Your NOW Sphere
If you think of the past, present and future each in their own sphere, similar to those large clear hamster balls,...