Between the recent full moon April 5th and the upcoming eclipse April 19th, we are in the thick of it! Remember the...
reawakening Articles
2023 Is Upon Us, Are You Ready?
December has sped past, just as 2022 has! It has been a very intense year for most, with patterns, attachments,...
We’re In The Power Phase Now!
The Solar Eclipse of 12/4 was a very fiery kick-off to Humanity's end of 2021 Transformation. For 2022 is the year of...
Lunar Eclipse Shaking Things Up!
The Lunar Eclipse this year is bringing up to the surface so many patterns and programs to be accepted, shifted,...
September Equinox 2021
With the Equinox upon us there is yet another major shift in energy for Humanity and throughout the planet. The...
July 9 New Moon Portal
As a true multi-dimensional being you have many changes coming up. For they are upon you. This new moon July 9th is a...
Releasing After The Solar Eclipse
Speaking with the I Am consciousness and it was explained that all frequencies are always existent. They are always...
Ancestral Healing Method
It is true that when you heal your ancestral line of pain, trauma, suffering, patterns and more, you are healing up...
Realign and Rebuild Your Mind And Life
It is all coming together. The year that Humanity has endured with this global pandemic has been not for naught. It...